I just wanted to write a quick little hoorah! 2015 was overall pretty awesome, and I’m so ready to see what 2016 will bring, here’s hoping that it magically brings lots of cold hard cash and some pretty rainbow colored unicorns. (You always have to add unicorns to wishes, it helps? I think?)
Plus, here’s a random drawing the accurately portrays our year, or actually more accurately portrays a couple things I know how to draw and a few things I thought I knew how to draw, but then I couldn’t pull it off so I scribbled, or turned a Basketball into BB8.
The holidays were absolutely great, we saw Star Wars twice, we totally nailed it and surprised Aliceana with the best ever presents, we’ve enjoyed way too much candy, and we got to spend time with family. Pure awesome.
Why haven’t we posted in like three billion years? Or actually a week and a half, which is basically a billion years in internet time.
Honestly, I’ve been enjoying a bit of a break. Playing Borderlands the Pre-Sequel (finally!) trying to finish Jessica Jones (but taking a break to binge watch and catch up on Sherlock! Go Netflix! #StreamTeam) and taking Buzzfeed quizzes, because that’s what everyone should do after you’ve survived the holidays.
Have a great New Year, we’re probably going to celebrate by going to sleep early since AJ has to work bright and early tomorrow. Aw, Boo-hiss!
Written by, Brittany, the geek behind the blog. Sharing tips and stories from the trenches on navigating life homeschooling and homesteading as a stay at home mom.