My oldest daughter loves drawing challenges. She’s obsessed with drawing and it’s always fun to prompt her to draw new things to get her out of her comfort zone. As homeschoolers we’re always trying to find fun ways to expand on our kids interests. Ok, mostly the big kid, the littles dont have a whole lot of interests right now. The middle kid is interested in snacks and the youngest is fascinated by things that crinkle.
Instead of scouring the internet for a drawing challenge that seems appropriate and fun for a 10 year old I decided to make one myself! This took about 10 minutes of looking around the living room at all things Christmas. So you could probably use this list as an Ispy of Christmas decor too, ha!
If you want to make this even more productive, you can turn each drawing prompt into a Christmas card to give to friends and family at Christmas!
Here you go 24 prompts to countdown to Christmas with some creativity! If you join your kids I’m sure they’ll absolutely love it. Get out your crayons and have some fun!
Written by, Brittany, the geek behind the blog. Sharing tips and stories from the trenches on navigating life homeschooling and homesteading as a stay at home mom.