I might currently be binge-watching Bloodline on Netflix, because I just can't wait for Orange is the New Black season 3. Bloodline is so addicting with it's format of glimpses into the future and past, I absolutely need to know what happens so I've watched most of the series in the last 3 days and hope to be done within a day or so. Can I officially call Netflix my favorite ...
Orange is the new Black
Orange is the New Blackened Chicken with Linguine in Orange Sauce
You guys know that I have a working relationship with Netflix, but if you follow me on Twitter you know I'm always watching Netflix. The addiction, these words, and the photos in this post are Soso real. *Oh, and spoiler alert if you aren't caught up on season 2 of Orange is the New Black, go catch up then read this or skip to the recipe.* I bet you didn't know that Orange is ...