I haven’t posted any bump pictures on here yet. I’m not one to over share about pregnancy things. My two biggest pregnancy pet peeves is people that over share ultrasound pictures and people that refer to their baby by it’s name during their entire pregnancy. I don’t know why, but those two things drive me nuts! I actually only take bump pictures because I have this adorable pregnancy book called The Belly Book, that has slots for you to put in pictures of your bump every week. It also has lots of pages to fill out about the different trimesters, doctors appointments, and other little tidbits about your pregnancy.
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I was looking at the pictures from last week to this week and was completely shocked at how much I grew! I know I was having awful round ligament pain and just general stretching pain, but didn’t think I grew that much!
Random side note; I think strangers are starting to realize I’m pregnant, everyone is way nicer than normal to me. Often times strangers let me go in front of them in line and other really courteous gestures! I love that there are still nice people out there.
Well, here it goes a comparison of me from 23 weeks to 24 weeks! (The second picture sucks, because we were literally just about to go to sleep when I remembered to have my husband take it)
Our baby girl is growing so much! Today I even watched my belly move like crazy as she kept kicking me, she always does things like this when my husband is at work of course!
Written by, Brittany, the geek behind the blog. I share lots of recipes, my thoughts on the latest tech gadgets, my favorite geeky games, and snippets of life as a Work-at-home mom.